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We Are Planting Out Back At Last

April 21, 2010

We have been busy out back on the farm.  Compost piles are continually being made.  The boxes have been cleaned out  of old plants and the soil renewed and prepared for planting.  We are adding fifteen new boxes this year and have figured out an efficient way of keeping records on each box.  The little children and I planted spinach and lettuce last week, and the boys and I went  out on Saturday and planted turnips, greens, and radishes. 

planting lettuce

all the little ones helping plant

Mark and the boys made a raised bed in the hoophouse and filled it with a compost mix last week.  Willie, Titus and I planted daikon radishes and carrots in the bed. 

My “nursery” for the seedlings is on the second floor of our house where I have several shelves under grow lights as well as three large south-facing windows.  This time of year, I get plenty of exercise carrying plant trays down the stairs, outside, and across the yard in the mornings and then reversing the trip in the evenings as I prepare the plants for life in the harsh world.  Sometimes I recruit help, and sometimes people just volunteer to help.  Either way, it is a good form of exercise.  Soon the onions, leeks, broccoli, and cabbages will be planted out back or in the hoophouse and I’ll be hardening off the next batch of plants.

My niece came for a visit and helped my daughter and me work on the flower bed bordering the sidewalk.  We dug dandelions for salad and weeds and garbage for the trash.  We have enjoyed several dandelion salads this week as a result of weeding.  This time of year, dandelions are not considered a weed at all!  I also planted some flower seeds.  The bulbs that came up from what the girls and I planted last fall are blooming and looking like a good beginning.  Hopefully, the flowers from seed and wildflower mixes that will join them in the flower garden will fill out the border and make the place look cheery all summer.

The sun has been warm and the temperatures perfect for working outside.  It feels good to have color in my cheeks!

Until next time,


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