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Seasonal Changes Coming!

September 7, 2010

Things are winding down for fall.  Or perhaps they’re winding up!  If you drive by the hoophouse this week, you’ll notice that it’s pretty empty.  Gone are the tomatillos, cucumbers, pole beans, okra, and most of the tomatoes and peppers.  What we are doing now is shifting into crops that will winter over in the hoophouse.   This week we planted spinach, lettuce, radishes, carrots, kale, mustard, collards, peas, swiss chard and turnips.  Some of these (like the mustard) were planted in the boxes outside and some (most) were planted in the hoophouse.    Some of these crops are experiments to see if I can plant them this late and still get something worth harvesting.   I know the lettuce, spinach, radishes and turnips will be harvestable.  I’ve done those outside in cold frames before.  I’ve not planted the others this late before… but I’ve not had a hoophouse before, either.  We’ll see what happens.

Most of my summer crops are finished and there is little point to keeping the stand open more than one day a week.  So, this will be the last week that the stand will be open on Thursdays.  We will remain open on Saturday mornings until further notice.  We are still selling lettuce, spinach, carrots, green onions, garlic, and green beans, and soon will have collards and kale.  If you are interested in buying fresh greens throughout the winter, come by on Saturday and we can talk about arrangements.  Barring some unforeseen disaster, we will have them.

This Saturday is our monthly volunteer day.  Come by and see what we are doing and be a part.  There is plenty of work to be done.  Work begins at 9:00 and we wrap things up around noon. 

See you Saturday,


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